• A photograph of the panellists in Portcullis House. The DPC logo is behind them. Jean-Andre is speaking.

    Parliament Report Launch: Disability and Carers Employment Gap

    27th November 2024, The Houses of Parliament, London

  • Close up image of Marian Otamendi speaking into the microphone, Chloe is to her right listening attentively.

    The Disability Policy Centre goes to the AccessibAll Conference in Madrid

    13th-14th November 2024, The Riyadh Air Metropolitano

  • A photograph of the purple Power of Sport report, being held up in front of the camera. In the background, you can see the House of Lords and the River Thames.

    Launch of 'The Power of Sport' report, with Soda and Nimbus, in Parliament

    23rd July 2024, The Houses of Parliament, London

  • A picture of Chloe and Emily at Naidex. They are standing in front of the purple DPC banner, smiling at the camera.

    The Disability Policy Centre goes to Birmingham for Naidex 2024

    20th to 21st March 2024, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham

  • A photograph of people all sat around a Board room table. There are croissants and coffee on the table - they are looking at the computer screen on a conference call.

    Roundtable with Zoom on how Flexible Working can Work for Disabled People and Carers

    26th January 2024, Zoom London HQ

  • An image of Anna, Ayuna and Sophia. They are in front of the Disability Policy Centre banner and holding up the report and a sign reading 'Making London an Accessible City for All'.

    Report Launch: How to Make London an Accessible City For All

    4th December 2023, City Hall, Royal Docks, London

  • An image of the panel at the 'Be a Councillor' event. There are five people on stage, and people watching on.

    'Be a Councillor' Event, in Partnership with the Local Government Association

    20th November 2023, Smith Square, Westminster

  • The picture is of our panel for the day. Left to right is Shani Dhanda, Mayor Andy Street, Louise Connop, Amy Francis-Smith, Alice Hargreaves and Sarah Rennie.  Behind them is a sign for the National Centre for Accessible Transport.

    Ensuring the West Midlands is an Exemplar Region for Disabled People: Part Two

    15th September 2023, National Centre for Accessible Transport, Coventry

  • A photograph of the Zoom call. You can see many of us, in our squares, smiling at the camera. Some people have their cameras turned off.

    Disability Action Plan Consultation with Centenary Action, Elect Her and Disability Rights UK

    13th September 2023, Event Held Online

  • A room of people, watching on as Shani and Mark speak, with their microphones in their hands. Mark is speaking and Shani is watching on. People are sat watching, on blue and green chairs, sat around tables.

    Ensuring the West Midlands is an Exemplar Region for Disabled People

    27th June 2023, Sense TouchBase Pears, Birmingham Selly Oak

  • An image of Chloe, Sarah Pickup, Saba Salman and Tom Cargill, all standing in front of the VODG banner.

    VODG Annual Conference, Panel Discussion on Adult Social Care

    14th June 2023, Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London

  • An image of six people sat at a table. Around the table is Chloe, Robert Buckland, Bethany Bale, Nicole Brown, Bal Deol and Michelle Daley. The purple Disability Policy Centre and blue Mile End Institute banners are in the background.

    Creating an Inclusive Education System for All, with The Mile End Institute

    22nd May 2023, Toynbee Hall, East London

  • An image in the Houses of Parliament. There are lots of women sat around the table in Parliament, talking about how to improve access to elected office for Disabled Women.

    Disabled Women in Politics Roundtable, with Elect Her and Centenary Action

    28th March 2023, House of Commons, Westminster

  • Celia in front of the Naidex 'Lifestyle and Leisure' stage. There is a screen with Naidex written on it, in red writing, and around the outside is a blue background with gold stars. Celia is sitting on a chair, talking into the microphone.

    Naidex 2023: Talks on Disability Pride and Disabled Entrepreneurship

    22nd March 2023, The National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham

  • An image around the table of Sefton staff and community groups as they sign The Disability Impact Pledge. There are 12 people all smiling at the camera, and one is holding up a sign that reads 'Disability Impact Pledge'.

    Workshop with Sefton Council: The Disability Impact Pledge

    17th March 2023, Sefton Town Hall, Merseyside

  • A photo of lots of women and two men outside the doors of Number 10, all smiling at the camera and some are waving.

    International Women's Day, Roundtable and Reception at Number 10

    8th March 2023, Number 10 Downing Street, Westminster

  • Image shows a group of people sat around the corner of long white tables, they are talking animatedly. The room has wooden panelling on the walls and a neutral coloured floor. There are cylindrical lights hanging down from the ceiling.

    City Hall Roundtable: How to Make London an Accessible City for All

    13th February 2023, City Hall, Royal Docks, London

  • A photograph of Tom Pursglove, Barry, the Chair of Conservative Disability Group, Celia Hensman and Sarabajaya Kumar from Centenary Action. They are sat around a table, all smiling at the camera. On the screen are Chloe and Kirstie, smiling too.

    Cross-Party Coalition, Meeting with Minister for Disabled People

    10th January 2023, Department for Work and Pensions, Westminster

  • A photo of Chloe, Kirstie and Derrick, with a white wall and black computer screen behind them. They are all smiling at the camera and Derrick has his thumbs up. Chloe has a navy jacket, Kirstie has a red top and black coat, Derrick a blue jacket.

    The Democracy Network Annual Conference, Representation Workshop

    7th December 2023, The University of Westminster

  • An image of the banner for the event. On the left hand side is a purple banner, with pictures of all of the speakers. On the right is the pink and purple 'Access2Funding' logo, with the title 'Research Briefing' and the details.

    'Access2Funding' Initial Report Launch, with our Partners Clu

    5th December 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Green background with white text, on the top is a picture of people walking, one is a wheelchair user, underneath in the green bar is the event details.

    The Inequality of Disability…The New Normal, Hosted by The Equality Trust

    30th November 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Image shows a red graphic for the event from Peer Medical Foundation. The writing reads ‘The Peer Medical Foundation Presents Dismantling Medical Ableism: Part 2. Sunday 20 November, 2022, 1pm - 2.30pm. There is a blue wheelchair symbol.

    'Dismantling Medical Ableism' with The Peer Medical Foundation

    20th November 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • A purple background, with Google the headline sponsor. Two people are sat at tables in a room, and two people are virtual, on a computer screen. Our Policy Fellow Robert and Co-Founder Celia are both in the shot, as part of the panel.

    AbilityNet: Disability Policy and Strategy - TechShare Pro 2022

    16th November 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Graphic for the event. On the top half is a picture of people circled together putting their hands over the top of one another. On the bottom are four photos of our four guests: Rebecca, Kush, Julie and Amo.

    Intersectionality: Ableism & Racism, The VODG COVID19 Call For Evidence

    4th November 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • An image of Celia, talking to the camera. She is looking to one side and smiling. Her bookcase and plants are in the background. She is wearing glasses and small hoop earrings, with a grey jumper.

    'Disability Leaders: Leading by Example', Hosted by All4Inclusion

    1st November 2022, Online Podcast, Held Virtually

  • A black and white image of both Solene and Celia, in circles. Solene is smiling in her photo, and Celia is looking straight at the camera. The graphic reads 'The Inclusion Conversation': Episode 12

    'Disability Pride: Changing the Narrative', Hosted by Be Beyond Borders

    27th October 2022, Online Podcast, Held Virtually

  • Shows a group of people looking intently at one another as they are sat on a stage doing a panel discussion

    The Shaw Trust 'Disability Power 100' Celebration, Headline Roundtable

    17th October 2022, Landmark Hotel, London

  • Pink and yellow graphic with white writing that displays the event details, it reads 'back the worlds most extraordinary talent'. There are black and white photos of the speakers to the right.

    AdaCon 2022: 'Access2Funding' Presentation

    4th October 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Shows Celia speaking on a zoom call with her name and organisation linked in a black bar below.

    The Independent SAGE, #FreedomDay Anniversary Briefing

    22nd July 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Image shows a group of 5 people sat on a red stage, behind is a banner that says main stage anything is possible. Celia and Tom are sat on white seats and Simon, Jessica and Martin are using wheelchairs. They are all smiling at the camera.

    Naidex Festival 2022: Main Stage Panel Event and Seminar

    7th July 2022, The National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham

  • Image shows Shani Dhanda and John Horan sat on a panel, Shani has her head turned to look at John whilst he is speaking, they are sat on green chairs. In the background is a dark purple roller banner.

    'The Power of Diversity' Roundtable, with The Shaw Trust and Disability APPG

    14th June 2022, House of Commons, Westminster

  • Pink banner with the logos of Elect Her, Centenary Action and Disability Policy Centre in the middle of the page. The background is pink and the writing reads 'Disabled Women in Politics Network'.

    'The Disabled Women in Politics Network' Relaunch Event

    26th May 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • An image of the Zoom call from the event. Lots of people in their separate windows, in discussion.

    The Future of Accessible Transport, with Rachael Maskell MP

    12th April 2022, Online Event, Held Virtually

  • Shows Chloe standing in Parliament, talking to a room full of people who are looking on intently.

    'Breaking Down Barriers' Parliamentary Report Launch

    1st March 2022, House of Commons, Westminster

  • Shows a multicolour book case, curving around a library.

    'The State of the Nation in SEND Education', Research Roundtables

    Throughout February 2022, Events Held Online

  • Shows a father and son, looking at each other and laughing. The father is wearing a grey polo top, and the son a purple hat and purple top.

    Disabled Political Representation, Research Roundtables

    Throughout January 2022, Events Held Online

  • Shows a large group of people standing outside the doors of number 10 Downing Street.

    The Disability Policy Centre, Official Launch at Number 10 Downing Street

    3rd December 2021, 10 Downing Street, Westminster