The Disability Policy Centre Consultancy Services

At The Disability Policy Centre, our mission is to break down barriers across society, creating a more accessible and inclusive world for disabled people, carers and people with long-term health conditions.

As part of this, we offer consultancy services to organisations across the private, public and third sectors - supporting you in your journey to become a more accessible organisation for both your staff and customers.

As a not-for-profit organisation, any profits that we make from our consultancy services are reinvested into The Disability Policy Centre - supporting us in our aim of breaking down barriers through policy reform and legislation change.


A photo of a group of people looking at a laptop. They are smiling. On the table are coffee cups. They are in front of a chart on the wall.
  • We will work with your organisation to deliver a programme of training to enhance your awareness and understanding of the value of inclusivity in the workplace, ensuring the needs of all your employees and clients are met.

    Our training programmes ensure compliance with legal obligations, as well as the increase of productivity and organisational outcomes. The bespoke training programmes meet the unique attributes of your organisation, embedding accessibility through skills development, ensuring that nobody is held back from achieving their potential.

    Our training programmes are available in a mechanism that suits you, such as facilitated half and full days, webinars, toolkits and compelling virtual learning sessions. From Senior managers to volunteers, we empower your staff and leaders to be responsible, inclusive and accountable by designing and delivering tailor-made learning journeys at every level of your organisation.

  • Our bespoke communications and marketing packages ensure your organisation is open and available to the one in five people across the country that are disabled or have a long term health condition.

    We ensure that all people within your organisation are aligned with your strategies and messaging, with your disabled staff and your customers feeling included and understood. Our website and communications auditing enhances your provision of virtual accessibility improvements, from your social media to your website, through to your written communications. We help you to build the foundations of diversity-led strategies which will cascade down to your clients - strengthening loyalty, engagement and widening your audiences.

    Our tailor-made services mean that we can work with you with your marketing and communications support, along with project-specific programmes and diagnostic audits of current communications.

  • We will work beside you to enhance the inclusivity of your company’s policies and procedures, ensuring adherence to the Equality Act and mitigating biases, building a diverse network of policy, staff and strategy which will embed accessibility and inclusivity best practices into your organisation.

    We will work in partnership with you to develop and create sustainable organisational strategies aligned to your personal values and objectives. Our Policy and strategy development packages work cohesively with your organisation to review and audit your existing procedures, as well as develop and implement new policies and procedures, such as building dignity at work, accessibility, reasonable adjustment policies and recruitment mechanisms.

    Together through policy and strategy development, we will build fair and equitable talent management and human resources processes, analysing structure and management process to identify and interrupt systematic biases, assisting in the application of inclusive accessible design principles to implement inclusive recruitment, objective assessment, onboarding, succession and identification practices.

  • Our bespoke brand inclusivity packages allow us to support your organisation with branding development to engage and be available to all potential clients, putting your organisation at the forefront of diversity and inclusion.

    We will work with you to develop an automatic proactive culture of accessibility and utilisation of your voice for influence to catalyse on diversity, equity and accessibility, bringing coalitions that amplify your commitments to social impact.

    We will find your strengths and opportunities, prioritise, build internal capabilities, increase knowledge and understanding, provide external validations and improve people experiences in and outside of the organisation. We will ensure your organisation is increasingly seeking innovative mechanisms to engage your staff and clients.


The pink and white Prince's Trust logo.
The red and white House of Lords logo.
The blue and white Sefton council logo.
The orange, white and black West Midlands Combined Authority logo.
The orange and black Democracy Network logo.
The purple, white and grey Local Government Association logo.