Disabled Representation in the 2024 - 2029 Parliament

Disabled people, and people with long-term health conditions, make up nearly one in four of the population of the United Kingdom, but are under-represented at all stages of public life. 

In the 2019 - 2024 Parliamentary term, the Disability Policy Centre’s ‘Breaking Down Barriers’ research found that only 8 out of 650 Members of Parliament had declared that they are disabled, or have a long-term health condition. Since then, 6 more previous MPs have spoken about their experiences with a disability or long-term health condition, whether or not they identified as disabled.

Our new research, released today, highlights that the 2024 - 2029 Parliament is predicted to be even less representative than the previous, with 9 disabled MPs predicted to be elected, using YouGov’s recent MRP polling.

The under-representation of disabled people cannot be ignored, and political parties, Government and the Parliamentary authorities must seek urgent action in order to truly improve this picture.

With pressing challenges, such as Inclusive Education, Accessible Transport, Social Care and Welfare Reform, all requiring solutions to be decided in the upcoming Parliamentary term, it is imperative that disabled people are adequately represented. We hope that this report highlights the real and urgent need for change.

A row chart, showing numbers of Disabled MPs on the x-axis, with political parties on the y-axis. The two series compare the number of Disabled MPs 2019 - 2024 (Including Recent Disclosures), against Predicted Disabled MPs 2024 - 2029.
A bar chart, coloured purple, with the heading being ‘Number of Disabled Candidates Predicted to win’. Along the x-axis of the chart are the names of the political parties, and on the y-axis are the number of publicly declared disabled candidates.