‘Breaking Down Barriers’ Parliamentary Report Launch

We were delighted to launch our ‘Breaking Down Barriers: Improving Disabled Representation and Participation Across The United Kingdom’ paper in The Houses of Parliament on 1st March 2022, together with representatives from across the disability sector. 

On the day, we were thrilled to welcome The Rt. Hon Sir Robert Buckland MP to introduce the paper, who provided a rousing speech, highlighting the importance of the implementation of recommendations to improve Disabled Representation across the United Kingdom. 

More information on the paper can be found here. Sir Robert Buckland then raised our recommendation on Local Authority Accessibility in the House of Commons. This can be found here.

A photo of Chloe speaking to the room at the DPC launch. She is wearing a black and white dog tooth coat.
A photo of Celia speaking to the crowd in a room in the House of Commons. The purple DPC banner is behind her, and people are looking on as she speaks.
Sir Robert Buckland speaking at the launch, as people look on. He is in front of a microphone on the stage. The room has green walls and a green carpet. There are yellow curtains behind him.
Robert Buckland raising the 'Breaking Down Barriers' report in the House of Commons. He is wearing a grey suit and purple tie. The text reads 'And as The Disability Policy Centre have highlighted in their recent report 'Breaking Down Barriers,'